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Download and install the SocketXP agent to run on your IoT device.

SocketXP agent is a lightweight client with which you can configure and create a secure SSL/TLS connection between your device and the SocketXP cloud gateway. After the agent connects to the SocketXP Cloud Gateway, you can connect to the device from anywhere and manage it remotely from the SocketXP web portal.

SocketXP agent can be made to run in the background as a Linux Systemd service.

SocketXP agent binary is available for all OS types[Linux, Windows, MacOS] and CPU architectures [x86_64, x86, ARM, ARM64, RISCv64].


SocketXP agent Linux binaries are available for all CPU architectures: x86, ARM, MIPS and RISC. For Raspberry Pi, download the ARM binary.

curl -O && chmod +wx socketxp && sudo mv socketxp /usr/local/bin
curl -O && chmod +wx socketxp && sudo mv socketxp /usr/local/bin
curl -O && chmod +wx socketxp && sudo mv socketxp /usr/local/bin
curl -O && chmod +wx socketxp && sudo mv socketxp /usr/local/bin
curl -O && chmod +wx socketxp && sudo mv socketxp /usr/local/bin
curl -O && chmod +wx socketxp && sudo mv socketxp /usr/local/bin
curl -O && chmod +wx socketxp && sudo mv socketxp /usr/local/bin
curl -O && chmod +wx socketxp && sudo mv socketxp /usr/local/bin
curl -O && chmod +wx socketxp && sudo mv socketxp /usr/local/bin
curl -O && chmod +wx socketxp && sudo mv socketxp /usr/local/bin

SocketXP agent MacOS binary is available for the following CPU architectures:

curl -O && chmod +wx socketxp && sudo mv socketxp /usr/local/bin
curl -O && chmod +wx socketxp && sudo mv socketxp /usr/local/bin

SocketXP agent Windows binary is available for the following CPU architectures:

Download the SocketXP agent Docker Image from DockerHub using the following command:

docker pull expresssocket/socketxp
Create a config.json file (explained below) in your local directory and map it as a volume inside the container at /data directory as shown in the example below.

$ docker run -d  -v /home/user/data:/data expresssocket/socketxp
$ docker logs 25ad
Using config file: /data/config.json
Login Succeeded.
User [] Email [[email protected]].
Public URL ->
Here is the content of a sample config.json file for the docker container.

$ cat /home/user/data/config.json
    "authtoken": "",
    "tunnels" : [{
        "destination": "",
        "custom_domain": "",
        "subdomain": ""
Where is the IP address of the other docker container running your web application (Eg; Python Flask web app or NodeJS web app or a Java web app)

Legacy SocketXP agent version 1.4.5 can be downloaded from the following location:
Note: We recommend all customers to use the latest agent version and not this legacy version.

Verify Installation:

After installing the SocketXP agent, check if it can be executed successfully.

$ socketxp

Usage:    socketxp [OPTIONS] COMMAND

Socketxp - secure remote access to your IoT devices.

    SocketXP is a cloud based IoT platform that enables users to remotely connect, manage and control IoT devices and IoT web applications running in a private network behind NAT router and firewall.

By using this product, you are agreeing to the terms of SocketXP. Terms of service can be found at:

Don't have an account? Create a free account here:

If you have any questions or security related issues, please contact us via email: [email protected].

      --auto-update             Enable SocketXP agent software
                                auto-update feature
      --config string           config file (default is
      --gateway-domain string   Specify a domain name for the SocketXP
                                Cloud Gateway to connect. (default
      --gateway-port int        Specify an optional SocketXP Cloud
                                Gateway Port to connect. (default 80)
      --help                    Print usage
      --ping-interval int       Specify an optional ping interval for
                                heartbeat messages. (default 90)
      --region string           Specify a SocketXP Cloud Gateway region
                                to connect. Eg: "eu". Default: us-central
  -v, --version                 Print SocketXP agent version and build

Management Commands:
  service     Install and run socketxp as a background service

  connect     Connect the supplied local destination to the public endpoint
  login       Login to the SocketXP service.  Obtain an auth token from

Run 'socketxp COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

Uninstall SocketXP Agent:

To uninstall SocketXP agent from your device execute the following commands:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/socketxp
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/socketxp
sudo rm -rf /etc/socketxp