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Region Selection

SocketXP Cloud Gateway is hosted in the following regions:

  • us-central (Iowa, U.S.) Default Region
  • eu (Frankfurt, Germany)

By default, SocketXP agent connects to the SocketXP Cloud Gateway located in the us-central region.


The country, state or province where the SocketXP Cloud Gateway is hosted in a region may change without notice based on the cloud resource availability in that region.


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Authentication Token

Sign up in the region specific SocketXP Portal page to get a region specific authentication token to login/connect your devices with the SocketXP Cloud Gateway in that region.

US-Central (Default Region)

Sign up at

Europe Region

Sign up at

Region Specific Auth-Token

You cannot use the authentication token provided by a SocketXP IoT Cloud Gateway in one region (say, for eg: us-central) to login or connect a device to a SocketXP IoT Cloud Gateway in another region (say, eu). You need to sign-up in the region specific portal page to get a region specific authtoken. Use the region specific authtoken to login/connect a device to the gateway in that region.

Command Examples:

To select a specific region, use the "--region" option as shown below:


$ socketxp login [authtoken] --region "eu"


SSH Service:

$ socketxp connect tcp:// --region "eu"

Connected to SocketXP Cloud Gateway.
Access the TCP service securely using the SocketXP agent in IoT Slave Mode.
HTTP Service:
$ socketxp connect --region "eu"

Connected to SocketXP Cloud Gateway.
Public URL ->

Sample Config.json file:

$ cat /etc/socketxp/config.json

"region" : "eu",
"tunnels" : [
      "destination": "tcp://"
      "destination": "",
      "subdomain": "techron-abc123456789",
      "custom_domain": ""