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Running as a Background Service

SocketXP Linux Daemon

For production, it is recommended to run SocketXP agent as a daemon service, so that everytime your system or device reboots and comes back up, SocketXP agent will be automatically kickstarted. SocketXP can be installed as a Linux systemd daemon service. Here are the instructions to run SocketXP agent as a systemd background service in Linux OS.

Follow the instructions to download and install the linux SocketXP agent in your /usr/local/bin directory.

SocketXP Login:

Follow the instructions in the Getting Started section to login and authenticate the device with the SocketXP Cloud Gateway.

Install the daemon

Create a config.json file in the /etc/socketxp/ folder and execute the below daemon service install command.

[For sample config files, refer to the config.json files [here](/guide/getting-started/configuration]

$ sudo socketxp service install --config /etc/socketxp/config.json


$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
SocketXP will come up as a daemon service.

Status Check

Check the status of the SocketXP daemon service using the below cli.

$ sudo systemctl status socketxp
If you want to check the logs from the SocketXP daemon to find the public URL, execute the following command using the "journalctl" command.
$ journalctl -u socketxp.service -f
Note: systemctl , journalctl are linux commands/utilities.

Start/Stop the service:

$ sudo systemctl start socketxp
$ sudo systemctl stop socketxp


To uninstall, first stop the service. Then uninstall using the socketxp CLI.

$ sudo systemctl stop socketxp
$ sudo socketxp service uninstall